Speaker Spotlight

David Bergvall

Director of Policy and Environment, Manulife Investment Management Timberland and Agriculture

David is the Director of Policy and Environment for Manulife Investment Management Timberland and Agriculture (Manulife).  Manulife places investments in high quality timber and agriculture properties for institutional investors with a global footprint of 5.8 million acres (agriculture and timber) and a US footprint of approximately 300,000 acres of agriculture and 3.2 million acres of timberlands.  David leads the policy (state and federal), engagement, environmental services, and environmental certification teams for the US based agriculture and timber businesses.  This includes policy work in the 18 plus states where Manulife has an operational footprint.  Manulife and its consultants have been working with stakeholders in nearly every state to advocate for modern and thoughtful foreign ownership policies.  David also chairs the foreign ownership working group for the Farmland Capital Alliance, a collection of large ag managers and investors in the US.